Biophest 2018

  Biophest 2018 is held by the University of Arizona in Tucson this year. We had a good time thanks to all the inspiring research and great conversation with other researchers. Houpu gave a great talk, and Joshua, Yuan, and Minxi also reported their result in the poster session.     

Sierra presented her poster!

Sierra-Rose Brown presented her work with Yuan and Minxi titled “Electroaxial and topological guidance of dictyostelium discoideum cells” at the Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium in April. Well done, Sierra!  

Xiangbing Jiao Portrait

Xiangbing passed defense!

Xiangbing Jiao passed his defense on 3/15, and we held a party to celebrate his achievements. Congratulations, Dr. Xiangbing Jiao!

In the News: Highlighted on Congresswoman’s Grants News Letters ASU’s Dr. Quan Qing awarded $389,000 for scalable fabrication and recognition tunneling sequencing study of solid-state nanopore devices This grant will be used to focus on developing a new strategy for producing solid state nanopore devices with transverse control electrodes, to enable large scale production of next-generation nanopore-based DNA sequencing machines, which feature precise …