Ryan Schmoll
Ryan is an undergraduate student in biochemistry. He joined the group in January 2015 and will be attending medical school beginning Fall 2015.
Ryan is an undergraduate student in biochemistry. He joined the group in January 2015 and will be attending medical school beginning Fall 2015.
Quan gave a talk titled “Multiplexed free-standing nanowire transistor bio-probes for intracellular studies” at the BMES 2014 annual meeting held at San Antonio, TX on 10/23. Thanks for the invitation!
Qicheng is a Physics PhD student at ASU. Welcome, Qicheng!
Qicheng is a PhD student in Physics. He joined the group in September 2014.
After looooong construction and waiting, our CVD lab finally is ready to be occupied… soon. Thanks to all who have helped us to get things through and we are excited to build a fantastic system!
Joshua has passed the graduate qualification exam. Congrats!
Quan gave an invited talk on “Bridging Nanoelectronics and Biology” on a neuroengineering workshop held on May 13th, 2014 at McGill University in Montreal, CA. Thanks for the invitation!
Our paper “Multiplexed Free-Standing Nanowire Transistor Bioprobe for Intracellular Recording: A General Fabrication Strategy” just came online on Nano Letters! (link)
Had a great party together at Quan’s house last Saturday! Thanks to everyone~
“Kinked nanowire transistors that can be manipulated in three dimensions can be used to record the intracellular electrical signals of targeted cells.” http://www.nature.com/nnano/journal/v9/n2/full/nnano.2014.10.html